Sunday, June 8, 2014

Getting Fit - Exercise

Loss for the Week: 1 lb
Total Loss: 1 lb

It's "Get Fit Friday Sunday!"  (Hey, it's summer.  I'm having a hard time remembering what day it is.)  I'm talking about exercise today.  I'll be honest.  Finding time to exercise (and actually exercising) is something that I continually struggled with.  A few years ago, I joined a gym, and I really enjoyed the classes and watching TV while I walked on the treadmill, but once my youngest was born, it was almost impossible to find time to go after school, between working, nursing, grading, and keeping up with three older boys.  So, I ended up donating my fee to the gym for almost a year.  I would do really well in the summer going to the gym, but once school started, it was back to missing more than I went.  I got tired of wasting the $40 a month, and cancelled my membership.  I still miss the classes, but I know that I wouldn't get there as much as I should.  Maybe when my kids are older, and I don't need to be home as early I can go back.

I decided that since it was so hard to go out to exercise, I'd find something that I could do in my house.  I got Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred, but I never made it much past the first phase.  I was trying to get up in the morning before work, but I am not a morning person.  If you're interested, I have a barely used DVD for sale.  ;-)  Then, I got the Wii Fitness Coach, but again, it was just hard to get up in the morning to actually do it.  I wanted to exercise in the morning when the house is quiet, plus, with four kids, actually getting the TV for a half hour or so to play an exercise DVD is close to impossible.

So, I gave up for a while, but I need to exercise in order to lose weight.  It doesn't matter how much I restrict my calorie intake, if I don't exercise to boost my metabolism, I don't lose.  I knew that this summer I needed something I could actually stick with.  Here's my plan:

Morning:  I have the free 7 minute workout app on my phone.  I downloaded it during the school year, and it's something I can actually do in the morning.  Seven minutes is easy, plus it doesn't require any special equipment or clothes.  I try and do it five mornings a week.

Evening:  It's summer in Georgia, which means it's hot and humid.  That means that you can't go out and exercise at all during the day.  I walk at night (around 7 pm).  Supper is done and cleaned up, but it's light enough outside.  One trip around my neighborhood is about 3/4 of a mile, and I I do two trips.  My neighborhood also has some killer hills, so my thighs get quite the workout.  Twice around is a 30 minute walk.

Before Bed: 15 pushups and 15 situps  (Having four kids has killed my abs, so I need to get in as many situps as I can.)

That's my plan!  Free, and easy to do even when school starts back.  Hope it encourages you!

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